The Original Subdivision Plan for Morning Mist Village




MAP: The Original MMV Subdivision Map.

PLAN: Planned to deceive the MMVHOA?

PLOT: The plot thickens, as the MAP, shows the PLAN that the PLOTTED area of the Towers of Darkness is actually part of Morning Mist Village, thus MMV Building restrictions must apply, including HEIGHT of Buildings!



The MMVHOA obtained a CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the original subdivision plan for Morning Mist Village, submitted by Regatta Properties (parent company of developer Pueblo de Oro Development Corporation) showing that the proposed area where the Towers of Darkness is proposed to be build by PODC is actually part of MMV.  




This plan (Subdivision Plan of Lot 22897-B, PSD-10-021404 as surveyed for REGATTA PROPERTIES INC  validates our long-held suspicion that the area occupied by the offices of PODC, Caltex Gas Station and Rose Pharmacy along Masterson Avenue IS PART OF MORNING MIST VILLAGE.


Based on the law, any revisions or alteration of the approved subdivision plan MUST have the concurrence of the Homeowners Association. The MMVHOA has no record of such alterations or concurrence.


On April 14, 2023, the MMVHOA wrote DR. ARIEL B. ABRAGAN, Regional Director of Department of Human Settlements & Urban Development (DHSUD) Regional Office 10 about this map, but as of this writing, DHSUD has not yet replied to the MMVHOA query.  (see attached)